Conducting the work process of the oral health team during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Family Health Strategy of a health district in the city of Recife


  • Kappydra Lacerda de Pontes Gonzaga Secretaria de Saúde Recife
  • Mauricéa Maria de Santana Secretaria de Saúde Recife


Covid-19, Oral Health, Social Determination of Health, Living Conditions, Social Context


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic represented a major challenge for public health, especially for Oral Health teams, as the procedures performed by these professionals are close to the patient's airway, representing a high risk of contagion by the disease. Objectives: this article is to analyze the work process of Oral Health teams in the Family Health Strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic, from the perspective of the social determination of the health and disease process in a Health District in Recife-PE. Materials and Methods: This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, which involved the participation of eight dental surgeons through individual interviews guided by a semi-structured script. This action took place remotely between the months of March and May 2021. Results: To analyze the results, the thematic analysis technique was adopted, which culminated in the establishment of three categories: Living conditions and the spread of Covid-19; Work process of oral health teams and their main challenges; Actions developed related to the social determination of Covid-19. The results showed that the living conditions of users are precarious, which had an impact on the high spread of Covid-19. Furthermore, he indicated that in the work process carried out by dental surgeons during the pandemic context, a predominantly individual, curative and administrative logic prevailed, demonstrating incipience in the actions that infer social determination of the health and disease process. Conclusion: It is concluded that the work process developed during the pandemic context presented a central focus on clinical aspects related to emergencies, but with little approach to the social context, regarding living conditions and support network.


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How to Cite

GONZAGA, K. L. de P.; SANTANA, M. M. de. Conducting the work process of the oral health team during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Family Health Strategy of a health district in the city of Recife. Public Health Journal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, v. 6, n. 2, p. 07–17, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.



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