Newborns in Kangaroo housing: characterization and nursing diagnoses



Kangaroo-Mother Care Method, Neonatal Nursing, Nursing Process, Infant, Newborn, Maternal and Child Health


Introduction: The Kangaroo Method brings a global paradigm shift of zero separation of mothers from their babies. Objective: To characterize the newborns admitted to the Kangaroo Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit of a teaching hospital in the Midwest region and the nursing diqagnoses. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study carried out by searching the medical records of newborns hospitalized in this unit between 2019 and 2020. The data collection period was from August to October 2021. Results: The birth weight of the newborns predominated between 1,500g to 2,499g. Prematurity in recent years was the main health problem and risk of infection the main nursing diagnosis in 2019 and, in 2020, it was risk of infection and aspiration. Babies remained in the unit between one and two days, discharge weight was between 1,500g to 2,499g, and most newborns were discharged on exclusive breastfeeding. Regarding the mothers, most were between 20 and 34 years old, with a gestational age of 34 to <37 weeks for both years and the type of delivery was cesarean section. Conclusion: The data obtained through the characterization of newborns treated at this unit may support effective actions related to the practice of the Kangaroo Method in the second stage and favor the quality of life of newborns.


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How to Cite

GIMENEZ, N. F.; CAÑEDO, M. C.; TORRES, N. L.; LOPES, T. I. B.; NUNES, C. B. Newborns in Kangaroo housing: characterization and nursing diagnoses. Public Health Journal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, v. 6, n. 1, p. 07–17, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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