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The data collected from registered and unregistered users in the Revista de Saúde Pública of Mato Grosso do Sul fall within the standard operational scope of peer-reviewed scientific journals.

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For what purpose do we process your data?

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To which recipients is your data communicated?

The Revista de Saúde Pública de Mato Grosso do Sul uses the Open Journal System (OJS) as a publishing platform. The digital resources and metadata collected anonymously by this platform support its development, except for the metrics of articles. This data can be shared, anonymously, and aggregated to your developer Public Knowledge Project  (PKP) .

The Revista de Saúde Pública de Mato Grosso do Sul also allows the collection of public data, such as digital resources and metadata, by other distribution systems, through the  Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting  ( OAI-PMH ).

The personal metadata linked to the publication of an article (author's name and surname (s), institutional link, ORCID number, country) are deposited and distributed associated with the article's data in different repositories and indexing platforms to which the Revista de Saúde Pública from Mato Grosso do Sul is registered / indexed. Likewise and for the purposes of preserving, disseminating and improving scientific recovery, it is distributed through the LOCKSS system   to the distributed library file, as well as to other open science systems.

Although there are no obligations to provide data to the journal, the failure to provide data expressly requested will prevent registration in the magazine, and consequently the submission of manuscripts and their editorial follow-up for evaluation and publication.